What if your kitty turned the mayhem ON soon after you wished it “Happy night!”, turned the lights off, and retreated to bed? Should you consider it a frisky kitty’s prank or a cat behavioral issue? Well, that might depend on how frequently your kitty may engage in unacceptable conduct like tearing up things, knocking over objects in its way, scuffling with other pets, etc., to name a few.
A kitty misbehaving occasionally may not be much of a trouble. However, when the kitty tantrums never end, you may have to take your furball to the vet to seek expert advice. To help your feline pet overcome their bad habits, your vet may suggest behavioral therapy, training sessions, and/or medications if the underlying cause for the kitty’s misconduct is health issues. Cat insurance NZ can cover much of your munchkin’s health expenses for covered health conditions.
Cheap cat insurance can help you sort out your fur ball’s vet bills during unanticipated health scenarios like allergies, injuries, accidents, and health emergencies. However, you can consider purchasing a comprehensive pet plan for broader coverage and possibly save on pet health care during specific illnesses and dental issues.
In the meantime, learn some common reasons why a kitty cat can develop behavioral troubles so you may know the right place to look for assistance in needy times.
1.Medical conditions
A kitty cat may get into negative habits because of health concerns. Immense pain that a kitty may be experiencing can be the cause of cat fury and irritation in such cases. If you notice prolonged cat drama like hiding, denying meals, limping, not agreeing to what you say, etc., then maybe it’s time to get your furry little pet tested to know their silent anguish.
Note additional symptoms like constant scratching, licking, or biting on particular body parts, inflammation, urination/defecation issues, changes in sleeping patterns, etc., and convey the same to your vet when you take your munchkin for diagnosis.
2.Lack of physical activity
Wild cats have an active lifestyle. They can be fast, furious, and always ready for a good chase unless sick or injured. However, domestic cats can be more laid back because they have their human genies who may be most happy to do their biddings. Kitty needs activity to kill stress, boredom, and extra calories that may have accumulated over time.
Therefore, cat parents must wake up their sloth babies for brief strolls, nudge their minds and body with interactive playtime, and provide them pawsome cat furniture to walk, run, and leap on. A lazy cat napping in a corner most of the time may have little to do. The pent-up energy can then manifest as destructive behaviors and health troubles.
3.No escape routes and safe spots
Kitties often scan their environment to discover escape routes and safe spots, so you must provide your fur baby access to sufficient cat trees, perches, towers, shelves, and other cozy spots indoors. A cat that doesn’t find a secure getaway can get anxious and furious. It is best to clear things off certain places at home so your kitty can conveniently curl up on them when they want to.
Adopting a cat means signing up for lifetime care. Help your kitty adopt a healthy lifestyle, create safe and private spaces to relax, and don’t miss out on their wellness checkups. Cat insurance in NZ can provide your furball quality medical care when they need it most during sickness and unwarranted health events. Compare the best and cheap cat insurance benefits to buy a best-fit plan for your kitty pal at affordable costs.