One of the major questions people ask is: How do Game of Thrones characters look in the novels? The books and TV show do not always match up. There are several differences between the books and the show, including the physical appearance of certain characters. The actors portray their characters differently than they do in the books. Let’s examine each of these differences in order to determine how closely the book and TV show match up.
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The most notable difference is in the hair color. The books feature black hair and long, flowing locks. Ned Stark looks similar to his youngest brother, Robert, except for his nose. The other characters are similar to the ones seen on television and in the books. Daenerys is blond, while Viceroys is auburn. The other characters have blue eyes and a crooked nose. The characters in the books have a variety of other physical traits.
The character of Euro is not always as physically appealing as the TV series. In the books, he is portrayed as a dark-skinned man with blue eyes. However, in the books, he has a “smiling eye” while his other eye is black as death. His lips are also bruised blue, because he is addicted to the color of the evening. HBO makeup artists do not go as far as the books do.