Is a Home Depot credit card worth using? The vast majority azar of consumers assume that all credit cards offer rewards. This is not the case. While Home Depot does offer some rewards, they are not as good as those offered by other major credit card companies. That said, some of its features are better than the rewards earned by mydailypapers other cards. The following is a comparison of the Home Depot card and its closest competitor, the Lowe’s Advantage Card.
The Home Depot credit card offers a special return policy for credit card holders. The company extends its interest-free financing period newsincs from six to 24 months. This interest-free period is usually three to six months, but is extended to 24 months during certain seasons. Additionally, Home Depot reports credit activity to all three major credit bureaus. While not legally required to do so, credit reporting is essential to establishing good credit and updating your credit report.
Although the Home Depot consumer credit card offers a no-fee approval and no annual fee, this card has a limited number of benefits. While it’s good for deferred interest financing, it’s really only a stepping-stone to a better card once you have improved your credit score. If you’re looking for a store credit card with more benefits, you can look into other credit card reviews.
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