The myth that the use of certain chemicals for human development has caused the death of millions of people has long piqued debates, and there is much controversy over whether or not human enhancement is ethical. There is also a great deal of controversy about the risks and benefits of chemical enhancement. Both proponents and opponents of chemical enhancement have various scenarios. Some advocate “humanity plus” or “post-humanity,” describing the creation of conscious machines and people who are no longer recognizably humans. In either case, scientific progress in restorative technologies has led to a number of debates.
The psychedelic drug LSD was once considered unwholesome by many people. The drug gained popularity in the 1960s and has since experienced a resurgence. It is a synthetic version of the natural alkaloid DMT. Its use during the 1960s was heavily criticized, but the new generation has come to see its potential. In addition to its societal and spiritual benefits, LSD is used for recreational purposes.
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There are also numerous psychedelic drugs, which are being promoted as a safer alternative to illegal drugs. Some of these drugs are sold as a placebo and are not regulated by the FDA. Designer drugs are a new form of these synthetics, and have been used in clinical trials for partial sight. In a recent study, scientists linked a paralyzed man’s brain to a computer chip, and he was able to regain some movement in his limbs. Moreover, synthetic blood substitutes could be used in humans soon. The technology behind these artificial blood substitutes, known as CRISPR, is now becoming a reality.