Before applying for a small business credit card, consider your spending habits and the type of credit card you need. Some cards may be better suited for your niche than others, and some may offer bonus earning categories that are not relevant to your business. You should also check whether a small business credit card will offer a 0% intro APR introductory period. Then, choose a card with low APR.
One type of small business credit card that is ideal for a start-up company is a balance transfer card. These cards make it easy to issue employee cards to track their spending. They also give you the flexibility to track employee spending and even earn rewards when they spend money on your company’s behalf. When cash flow is tight, credit cards can make a huge difference. A business credit card can pay your bills today, and be paid off the following week after you receive payment. Small business credit cards typically have higher limits than personal credit cards, and are easier to qualify for than a line of cash.
If your business uses credit cards for everyday purchases, you should consider a card with unlimited 2% cash back. Divvy offers easy-to-use tools for budgeting and expense management. The cash back rewards earned from purchases can be redeemed for statement credits or cash. However, if you’re not used to paying your bills on a weekly basis, the American Express Blue Business Cash(tm) Card might be more suitable for you.