What does the future of online learning look like? There are several possibilities. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve online learning. It could create a specialized library for educators, a Google search engine devoted to education, or even a Netflix style recommendation engine. Companies like KMI are already developing AI tools that analyze essays, set up quizzes, and advise students on their future careers. Other possibilities are in the pipeline, as well expotab.
The evolution of online learning is being driven by the ed tech revolution. While the completion rates of online courses remain dismal, many institutions have shifted students to a virtual environment. This has left many institutions scrambling to create new online education curricula, often with a minimal amount of experience in using virtual learning platforms. During a recent webinar, Rice University’s Caroline Levander discussed some of the changes she sees in online education.
The flexibility of online learning offers students the flexibility of learning at their own pace. For example, students in Arizona can attend a university in another state. However, some schools charge students from out-of-state tuition to enroll in online courses. In such situations, the online learners may feel isolated and displaced. The use of a virtual learning platform is a solution to this problem. In the long run, online learning will become a staple of educational institutions and will be a part of our future.
New technology has made it possible to measure student progress. With real-time access to learning data, instructors can tailor their teaching styles to improve student outcomes. These data will also shape classrooms and ensure a more equitable learning environment. Regardless of the form of online learning, these technological advances are transforming the way students learn. It’s important to embrace these trends and take the steps necessary to keep up with the latest innovations.