After twenty years, Law & Order is officially dead. The series was created by Dick Wolf and centered on police trials and investigations in New York City. It starred performers like Jeremy Sista, Anthony Anderson, S. Eartha Merceron, and Alan de la Garza. Fans from around the world have expressed their dismay at the news. They have also been asking themselves, “Why did Law and Order end?”
Although the series was canceled after season 21, the last episode was completed before the announcement was made. The show’s fans were devastated, and fans have since been searching for a reason to watch it. After all, a renewed series would have made NBC television history as the longest-running show. Even if it had been short-lived, Law & Order was a classic that was viewed by millions.
Although Michael Moriarty’s departure from the show is a controversial one, the actor’s reasons are complex. He left for political reasons, although they are far more complex than running for office. The U.S. attorney general, Janet Reno, wished to stop the increasing trend of violent crime on TV. She also spoke out in favor of legislation to control violent shows on television. She met with Law & Order producer Dick Wolf, who was shocked to learn that Moriarty was leaving the biographypark.
Fans of the show’s premise will remember the series’ New York City setting. This drama was based on real crimes and trials and portrayed the work of prosecutors and regular police officers. In many cases, a suspect is arrested and put under arrest. Meanwhile, the second half of the episode followed the office of the Manhattan district attorney, who prepared the case for trial. If the series had ended, its fan base would have dwindled.
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