After a successful start with a movie and a reality show, Zee TV expanded into other genres. Its acclaimed programmes like Sa Re Ga Ma and Dance India Dadra changed the perception of dance in India and encouraged children’s creativity through the show India’s Best Dramebaaz. In a year, ZeeTV became India’s most watched 24-hour entertainment channel. It was also one of the first media companies to issue its shares to the public.
Zee TV’s launch came on October 1st 1992 in India as the country’s first Hindi satellite television channel. Zee TV was previously owned by STAR TV, getliker but that relationship ended when Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation bought STAR TV. In 1998, Zee TV purchased a British satellite television channel, TV Asia. Zee TV’s ventsmagazine launch in the USA and Europe was the second in the same month as its launch in the UK. Though Zee TV is in Hindi, subtitles are also available in English.
Zee TV is a media company that covers four broad platforms: digital, broadcast, and print. Zee’s content promotes positive change in society, inspires viewers to pursue their goals and dreams, and inspires them to change the world around them. In addition to offering viewers a unique, high-quality viewing experience, Zee also reaches over 1.3 billion people around the world. Through its content, Zee has become the premier media brand in the South Asian Diaspora.
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